Welcome to Sonos Handbell Ensemble!   Artistic Director: James Meredith

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Faces of Sonos

Cheryl at Smirti Shoot

Jim Mopping Up

Jason with Child

Down Time

Michèle Sharik with Flute

Japanese Child with Bells

Ruben Mendoza in Japan

Coffee Time

Jason Tiller warming up

Katryn Howell and Kathie Fink

Melissa Vainio, Tessique Houston and Ruben Mendoza

Katryn Howell

Jason Tiller plays tourist

Rick Hoffmeister and Jukka-Pekka Vainio

Jukka with Fans

Masked Ringers

Cheryl Baker Woldseth

Japanese Restaurant

Jeannine Schwartz with daughter Samantha

Japan Marquise

Food on a Stick

Michèle Sharik with Statue

Japan Traditional Meal

Jason boarding Bullet Train

Jukka warming up

Jukka Close-up

Katryn Howell, Jukka-Pekka Vainio and Melissa Vainio

Artistic Director James Meredith

Michael and Chavonta


Piedmont Park Shoot 1

Rehearsal Repose Jukka

Kathie Fink with daughter

Smirti Shoot 4

Smirti Rehearsal

Taiko Close-up

Tillers Trio

Wolska and Meredith

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